Saifurs IELTS course fee
Hey! Hello! how are you today? in this post, you will get Saifurs IELTS course fee. If you are really interested in the topic, please read the topic first to last the post. You will get very helpful ideas about it. let’s have a read!!
Saifurs IELTS Course fee: 2023
Are you thinking of taking the IELTS course at Saifur’s? Well, you’re in the right place. Let’s talk about saifurs ielts course fee
Firstly, Saifur’s is known for its quality training. They have skilled teachers and great materials. Now, onto the main point – the fee.
Saifur’s offers different packages. Each one is priced based on what you need. Some include just classes, while others might have extra materials.
Saifurs IELTS course fee বিশাল ছাড়ে ভর্তি হতে চাইলে | সকল শাখার তথ্য | সবচে ভাল শিক্ষক | আগামীকাল নতুন ব্যাচের ক্লাস শুরু হবে।
Want to know the exact fee? It’s best to visit their website or call them. They often have discounts or special offers.
While Saifur’s might have a range in fees, it’s worth the investment. Quality education is a great step towards a bright future.
Once upon a time, Saifurs coaching was best for IELTS test preparation. At present, they lost their reputation. Students are still admitted for their former reputation.
Saifurs IELTS course fee : With offer !!
You will get an offer every time from Saifurs. বলতে গেলে ১২ মাসে ১৩ অফার !! They will give you a discount on the IELTS course fee. It is just a trick to get students admitted by deception. Better a poor horse than no horse at all. It is much better to read to a good teacher. Because the institution does not teach, the teacher teaches. So make a thoughtful decision.

About IELTS Course Teacher of Saifurs
Saifur’s used to have great IELTS teachers. But now, they’ve moved to another place. If you’re curious, check the list below to see where they teach now.
Surprisingly, many new teachers at Saifur’s haven’t taken the IELTS test themselves. Imagine learning IELTS from someone who hasn’t taken the test! It’s something to think about.
Now, I respect Saifur’s. But I don’t want students to waste their time and money. Sadly, they’re facing problems now because of issues with their lady director.
Tips for geting Big !! Discount: অবিশ্বাস্য ছাড় !!
General discounts are always available. If you want to get a special discount, you will be admitted together with a few friends. Bargaining at the time of admission.
Take free classes before admission and discuss discounts with the teacher.
অবিশ্বাস্য ছাড় !! এমন সব চটকদার কথা বলে বিজ্ঞাপন, লিফলেট, পোস্টার নিয়মিত দেখা যায় | এই চটকদার প্রতিষ্ঠানটি এক সমায় নিমিত দৈনিক পত্রিকায় চটকদার বিজ্ঞাপন দিত, যা এখন এর দেখা যায় না। আসব কিছু এ ভুয়া | আপনি দরকষাকষি করলে তাদের এই চটকদার অবিশ্বাস্য ছাড় পাবেন এতে কোনও সন্দেহ নাই। তবে আপনাকে একটু ভাব নিতে হবে ।
তথ্য যা আপনার জানা উচিৎ
- তিন স্ত্রীর চাপে দেউলিয়াত্বের পথে সাইফুর
- সাইফুরস কোচিং বন্ধের দাবি শিক্ষার্থী-অভিভাবকদের
- সাইফুরস’কে ধান্দাবাজি ছাড়ার পরামর্শ
- সাইফুর’স এর নাম থাকায় বিদ্যুৎবেগে সভাস্থল বর্জন আইনমন্ত্রী ও ঢাবি ভিসির
The former IELTS Teacher list of Saifurs : জনপ্রিয় শিক্ষক
Name | Mobile no | |
01. Abdul Kabir | ,01715078819 | |
02. Md.AI lmran | ,01683660674 | |
03. Shekh Frabi Mannan Ananta | ,01923499429 | faraby. |
04. Anzam Ansar Bazu | ,01716890099 | |
05. Chisty Toukir Hasan | ,01917642375 | |
Name | Mobile no | IELTS |
06. Chowdhury Sadeque Mujib | ,0189249248 | |
07. Kazi Mosharraf Hossain boby | ,01671442404 | |
07. Md. Khurshid Alam | ,01711375462 | |
08. Mahfuzul Haq | ,01911713966 | |
09. Mehamudul Hasan | ,01912544194/ 01827155559 | |
10. A F M Mahmudunnabi Khan | ,0155346096, 01913937577 |
Name | Phone no | |
11. Md. Manzur Hasan | ,0194955108 | |
12. Nasif Ahmed | ,01675387822 | |
13. Md. Nazmul Hasan | ,01745991024 | |
14. Md. Raihan Rahman | ,01711080040 | |
15. Md. Rezaul Hoque | ,01935486332 | |
16. Md. Riyad Mahmud | ,01716393152 | |
17. Md. Rokanuzzaman | ,01717468429 | |
18. Roselyn Zaman | ,01912475544, 01819211754 | |
19. Siddiqui Azizul Hakim Galib | ,01685415579 | |
20. SM Nirjhar | ,019125663218, 01917140480 | |
21. Tashfeen Ghazi | , 01524604664 | |
22. Tarafder Mahmud Hossain | ,0176835961 | |
23. Md. Ahsan uddin harun | ,01923627613 | |
24. Md. Ariful Hoqu | 01675-632459 | |
25. Ariful Hoque shoeb | ,01717784249 | arit_l393 |
26. A.T.M.NOOMAN | ,01716443205 |
Saifurs IELTS Course fee in Different branches
Hey, friends! Are you thinking about joining Saifur’s for a course? Let’s talk about the fees at some of their branches. এক সমায় সাইফুরসের আনেক শাখা থাকলে ও এখন এর নাই, চাপাবাজি ছাড়া এর কিছু নাই এখন |
Panthapath branch: পান্থপথ শাখা
Once upon a time, Saifurs’ Panthapath branch held a position of great popularity and significance. Serving as their headquarters, it was a hub of academic excellence and a trusted resource for countless students. However, today, the landscape has drastically changed. Regrettably, the once-thriving branch has vanished, symbolizing a troubling decline for the institution as a whole. With each passing day, Saifurs seems to be losing its former glory, and its dwindling presence raises questions about its future relevance in the education sector. এক সময় সাইফুরস পান্থপথ শাখা ব্যাপক জনপ্রিয়তা ও তাৎপর্যপূর্ণ অবস্থানে ছিল। তাদের Head office ছিল এটি, একাডেমিক শ্রেষ্ঠত্বের একটি কেন্দ্র এবং অগণিত ছাত্রদের জন্য একটি বিশ্বস্ত সম্পদ। যাইহোক, দুঃখজনকভাবে, একসময়ের সমৃদ্ধ শাখাটি বিলুপ্ত হয়ে গেছে, যা সামগ্রিকভাবে প্রতিষ্ঠানের জন্য একটি সমস্যাজনক পতনের প্রতীক।
IELTS Course fee of Saifurs Lalmatia branch
এক সমায় সাইফুরসের Lalmatia branch ( লালমাটিয়া শাখা ) খুব জনপ্রিয় একটি শাখা ছিল | এখন বিলুপ্তির পথে |
কোর্স ফি : 10500 TK
Farmgate Branch for S@ifurs IELTS Course
Next, let’s look at the Farmgate branch. They also have good pricing. Many people in that area choose this branch. Fee is 11000/=
Jatrabari Branch: Not so bad for Saifurs IELTS Mock test
Then there’s the Jatrabari branch. If you’re near this place, you might want to check their fees. They’re known for being friendly and helpful. fee is 9500/- for more info please call 01613432009
Mirpur Branch: IELTS course offer
Lastly, we have the Mirpur branch. People from the Mirpur area often pick this branch. Their fees are competitive, and the staff is great. Fee is 9000/-
Our Recommendation;
So, there you have it! Different Saifur’s branches have different fees. But all of them focus on giving the best training. If you’re interested, you can visit the branch closest to you and ask for more details.